We all know the story of the Good Samaritan. A man has been beaten, robbed and left for dead on the side of the road. As he lies in the dirt, slowly dying, he is passed by two men. Both avoid the man by walking on the other side of the road. Fortunately for the dying man on the road, a Samaritan who happened to by passing by stops, and helps the injured man. He takes him to a nearby inn, feeds him, and tries to heal his injuries. This parable is still used today, and there are countless news articles of tragedies averted by the quick actions of Good Samaritans. Many people would probably imagine themselves as a Good Samaritan given the right situation. Yet it is hard to see the any truth in this given the fact that there are millions of Americans that live on the streets, without the knowledge of where there next meal will come from, or whether things will ever get better. Where have all the Good Samaritans gone? As Chaplain James Key asserts in his article, our world is in desperate need. Because they are far too many people who see the same kind of suffering on the cold concrete streets daily. And far too few ever stop to help.